DJ Willy Joy on Electric Factory

Louise Brask

WVAU’s Electric Factory, a show that rotates a heady mixture of the latest electronic and indie, will be hosting Willy Joy on this week’s episode, which airs Thursday, October 6th from 4 p.m.-6 p.m.

An American DJ at the core, originally heralding from Chi-town, Joy now lives and works in the nation’s capital, D.C. Joy, himself, relates his style to ‘pop sensibility’ with a dual love for facemelters. Along with giving us a live interview, Willy will be playing a few of his new tracks for us on the show. After listening to his Soundcloud on a crazy loop of repeats for the past week, we can’t wait to hear the new material.

Previously, Willy has worked alongside the acts of A-Trak, Kid Sister, and The Gaslight Anthem on tour. The dude is also planning to hit up U Street later that night where he will be opening for NYC DJ/Production-duo Designer Drugs. Tickets to see DD, Willy Joy, and Harry Ransom at U-Hall are free with RSVP, and you can easily RSVP by going to the UHall event page linked below.

Hear Willy’s interview on ‘Electric Factory,’ this Thursday 4-6PM EST on

illy Joy on Soundcloud:

Designer Drugs, Willy Joy, and Harry Ransom @UHall (Event Page):

Electric Factory Facebook Fan Page:

By Louise Brask