Mac DeMarco ‰ÛÒ Passing Out Pieces (Captured Tracks)


Cameron Meindl

Still takin‰’ care of business

The lead single from Capital Punishment alum Mac DeMarco‰’s upcoming record Salad Days, “Passing Out Pieces‰” hints at a more reflective, pensive direction for indie rock‰’s class clown. Behind massive synth chords, Mac muses on the toll two years of touring and sleeping on strangers‰’ couches has taken on him: “Never been reluctant to share/Passing out pieces of me/Don‰’t you know nothing comes free.‰” With his signature woozy guitar tones now serving a more complementary role in the background, it‰’s clear that DeMarco has grown as both an arranger and songwriter since we last heard him on 2. If you somehow needed another reason as to why you should be excited about Mac DeMarco, “Passing Out Pieces‰” is it.

RIYL: Ariel Pink, Damon Albarn, Real Estate