Streight Angular – Super Party Fun Time! (Polk Records)

Streight Angular - Super Party Fun Time! (Polk Records)

Barbara Martinez


“Hooky-punk rock’n‘roll neon explosion into the future‰Û

Super Party Fun Time! is the most appropriately named album a DJ could ask for and I would argue one of the most universally appealing. The band might be a bit of a joke, but it‰’s so worth the punchline. There is a song for every genre and DJ off this somehow cohesive masterpiece. This beautiful alt-pop album hooks you in song after song after 22 song album. The lyrics fall a little short of depth or excessive talent, but in a manner that makes them so easy to sing along to at first listen. “When I turned eighteen/ My parents said to me/ I had to go to college‰Û_ I had to exist!‰” proclaims the low-fi track Will Smith. The album offers a full spectrum of intensity, pulse, and rhythm, varying from the opening pump-you-up-better-than-Red Bull title track “Super Party Fun Time!” to the R&B melodic beats of “Subliminal Boner” and directly into psychedelic surf-rock “Microwave Girl,” beautifully echoing upbeat Beatle-esque harmonies about heartbreak. Seriously, just pick the song title you find funniest and check them out, satisfaction or your money back.

RIYL: Pixies, Flaming Lips, Wavves
Recommended: 1, 3, 5, 18, all