Warpaint ‰ÛÒ Warpaint (Rough Trade)

Warpaint  ‰ÛÒ Warpaint (Rough Trade)

Katie Cheyne


Cool and psychedelic

2014 is a highly anticipated year for the all-female, psychedelic band, Warpaint. The quartet embodies a spectrum of emotions with songs that can seem dark and sinister while others reveal a raw vulnerability. This vulnerability can be heard in their slower, more ‰chilled out‰’ songs such as “Teese.‰” The band seems to have a heavier focus on bass harmonies and hard-hitting, steady drum beats as opposed to lyrical guitar riffs, which is refreshing. At times, Warpaint picks up right where they left off from their successful debut album, beginning with “Intro‰” leading into “Keep it Healthy‰” (these songs should always be played together, super good.) However, due to a larger emphasis on individual instrumentals and synths instead of a more group-oriented collaboration, the album lacks some of the emotional connection that is so prevalent in its precursor. There are multiple awkward transitions and key changes, which makes the LP slightly less enjoyable. But, there are still a lot of catchy songs within the bunch, such as “Feeling Alright‰” and “Drive,‰” which reminds us just how talented this band can be.

RIYL: Melody‰’s Echo Chamber, Widowspeak, Blouse
Recommended Tracks: 2, 6, 9, 11