The Tough Crowd: The S Word

Christina Kelly


For a while now the term “skramz‰” has been considered a dirty word by many a music enthusiast. I can‰’t tell you the origin of the word and if you asked 10 people who thought they knew the definition, they‰’d all give you different answers. The closest to a definition of the word I‰’d be willing to give here is this: It‰’s just a term used to identify a certain type of emo from the 90‰’s that had a lot of high pitched screaming. Frankly, I was born in 1993 so this was all over before I knew how to multiply so I don‰’t think I‰’m allowed to vote on the concrete definition is or was. As I understand it, it‰’s an alternative to the word “screamo‰” or as some call “emotive hardcore‰Û. I‰’m not sure which came first though, disputing genres gets confusing and I don‰’t like to do it. Its like the djent/prog argument, is there ever really going to be a right answer to that? If there are less than 20 bands in the so-called “genre‰” can it really be considered a genre in and of itself? Can a genre only be pigeonholed to one decade? These questions will forever float around my mind desperate to find an answer that will never come. I am sure thousands of arguments have ensued over the validity of the word skramz but I firmly believe it‰’s a fruitless one to have. Here‰’s my stance on the screamo/skramz thing: I‰’m on the skramz side. I think it‰’s cool and interesting and I just like not having to say the word screamo because to most, that word conjures up images of bands like Slipknot or Alesana and that‰’s just not a good impression. Countless times have I been in a room with a new acquaintance and been asked “Christina, so what kind of music do you like?‰” and I usually resort to a vague and generic answer to avoid using the word screamo to describe what I like because they are unaware about anything that isn‰’t Katy Perry. Luckily, for those of you reading this completely confused about what I just ranted about (if you read it at all after the first sentence I applaud you), I‰’m here to help! Here‰’s a list of 5 “skramz‰” bands that rule and make me proud to admit that screamo can be cool. Also, if this is your first dip into this genre, I recommend not looking up the lyrics; it‰’s called emo for a reason and might be a little (or way over the top) sad.

1. Saetia

Generic, yeah, but this is my forever and always favorite song from this genre, so I’m putting it first on this list.

2. You and I

3. I Would Set Myself on Fire for You

The name is a mouthful, but their music is surprisingly calm and sooooo good for studying to.

4. Circle Takes the Square

Another one everyone should already know but UHG JUST LISTEN TO THAT INTRO!

5. Funeral Diner

So one time I impressed a dude so hard by mentioning this band at a show that he asked me out before I even got halfway back home on the metro. Okay, I don’t know for certain if it was the song mentioned, but his face when I said it was priceless. Moral of the story: mention this band at a party when you don’t know what to say to someone that likes weird types of music and it could turn out to be a conversation starter.