Fanfarlo- Let‰’s Go Extinct (Blue Horizon)

Fanfarlo- Let‰s Go Extinct (Blue Horizon)

Barbara Martinez


Indie-pop Latin-synth

This five-piece London group got their name from a Baudelaire poem, reference Chuck Palahniuk, and make music as contrasting as their literary allusions. Let‰’s Go Extinct sounds like some Brits stole a Cuban jazz band and decided to sing over it. When that was too weird, they added an astral synth to try to fix the ambiance. The weirder thing is, it worked. I mean, it‰’s been a while since a woodblock has been so prominently featured in a pop album, adding to the Latin swing that the trumpet and sporadic saxophone provide. The vocalists counter with suave harmonics and what seems to be a keytar. The uniting factor of this album is a very powerful synth presence. While occasionally overwhelming, it provides a persisting cohesive flow between songs. The title track ends the album with a peacefully existential comet headed towards Earth, resolving any confusion the previous songs caused with a beautifully poetic collision- well worth the experience.

RIYL: Voxtrot, Seabear, Sin Fang
Recommended: 3, 6, 7, 10