Ane Brun – Songs 2003-2013 (V2 Records)


Julia D'Amico

Maturity and confidence, like your lonely, interesting, talented aunt who can sing.

Ane Brun compiled the best of her work since 2003, re-recording five of her top songs, and unveiling some unreleased tracks in a 32 track album. The compilation is everything you would expect from a mature artist and song writer: originality, simplicity, and depth. Her mahogany vocals push and pull over the top of quiet but certain plucking and easy strumming, beautifully orchestrated together into what a singer song writer should strive for. Her lyrics are far from contrived, and she draws from her jazz roots on tracks like Song. No 6. While the style might not be your cup of tea, you have to respect such a coherent and comprehensive collection of tunes.

RIYL: Anna Ternheim, Nina Kinert, Rebekka Karijord
Recommended: 3, 5, 13, 29