Beck ‰ÛÒ Morning Phase (Capitol)


Cameron Meindl

Get crazy melancholy with the cheez whiz

Much of the advance press for Beck‰’s first album in six years, Morning Phase, has compared the record to his 2002 masterpiece, Sea Change. Sure enough, as soon as the orchestral introduction “Cycle‰” segues into “Morning,‰” it‰’s almost impossible not to mistake its first few bars with those of Sea Change opener “The Golden Age.‰” But is that really a problem? “The Golden Age‰” is a great song, and so is “Morning,‰” so everything‰’s gonna be OK. Rest assured, Beck‰’s return to the spotlight is more than just OK – Morning Phase is an immaculately produced set of songs, all sporting warm, intimate guitars, a welcoming sense of space for piano and mandolin to flutter on though, and Beck‰’s finest vocal performances to date.

While Sea Change reflected on a devastating breakup, the lyrical content of Morning Phase is far more laid-back, showcasing an older, wiser Beck Hansen than the ironic prankster people fell in love with back in the nineties. That‰’s about all the space that needs to be devoted to the album‰’s lyrics, however, because Morning Phase‰’s undeniable strength is simply just how gorgeous it all sounds. Whether it‰’s the lightly plucked banjo of “Say Goodbye,‰” the Wilco-esque piano part that complements “Blackbird Chain,‰” or the swelling string parts on “Waking Light,‰” every note here is well placed and emotionally resonant. These songs might be played slowly, but thanks to the production and arrangements, never once are they boring. It took Beck six years after Modern Guilt to finally release this album, but Morning Phase just might be worth that long, long wait.

RIYL: Sea Change, Neil Young, Wilco
Recommended: 2, 4, 5, 9, 13