We Are Scientists- TV en Francais (Dine Alone Records)

We Are Scientists- TV en Francais (Dine Alone Records)

Barbara Martinez

Indie-rock band still has chemistry

Returning after a four year break from album releases, We Are Scientists manage to provide another solid album with TV en Francais. The overall sound is a bit darker than the pep and pop that was associated with their past releases, but keeps the structures sound and the power guitar to assure the album never gets too seriously glum. Add that to some serious drum fills and skills, and you won‰’t even notice how low-key the vocalist keeps the soundtrack. In spite of the energy of the drum and prevalence of the riffs, the album never gets incredibly overwhelming in tempo or sound, keeping its cool with tame, grooving tunes. “Slow Down‰” does anything but, proving to be the high point in Andy Burrows‰’ drumming abilities on the album. The album provides more variety than their previous releases, even exploring some late 60s psych-rhythms in “Don‰’t Blow It,‰” where the harmonized vocals peak in melodic value. As a whole, TV en Francais is a carefully concocted catalyst to collectively calm chaos.

RIYL: Tokyo Police Club, The Wombats, Bloc Party
Recommended: 2, 4, 5