Sit Down with Shira: Perfect Pussy

Shira Karsen


For my inaugural badass-f***-off-indie-girl-fronted-(or compiled)-band post, I figured there would really be no better band to start off with than the ultimate front runners in their supersonic field: Perfect Pussy.

Yes folks, there is a band called Perfect Pussy, and NO, they are not related to the equally hardcore-you-can‰’t-hold-me-down protest collective Pussy Riot.

Hailing from Syracuse, New York, front-woman Meredith Graves rounded up five local punk community members to form Perfect Pussy only a mere couple of years ago. While they‰’ve gained much acclaim for their four-song EP titled, “I Have Lost All Desire For Feeling‰” earlier this year, their most recent drop, “Say Yes to Love‰Û, has all the critics buzzing, from Pitchfork to SXSW organizers.

If you‰’re into the sound an angry twenty-something makes when she‰’s jumping and throwing her step-mom‰’s makeup around for cathartic treatment, then you‰’ll love Perfect Pussy.

While I can‰’t quite make out any of her words, Grave‰’s voice is scream-o for feminists: aching not with the pain of heartbreak but with the angst of the gender pay gap sweetened with the sex-for-everyone mentality of her bra-burning ancestors.

Driver, the first track on “Say Yes to Love‰Û, starts off with the quiet hum of the unplugged stereo, only to swoop into the classic punk-rock moves of screeching guitars and snaring sound interferences for the rest of the 2 minute 16 second track.

Driver is an auditory warm up for the songs that follow, with some tracks getting pummeled by gorilla-esque drumming and tearing keyboards (“I‰” is a great example of that‰Û_), while others are relatively “softer‰” with those same elements accompanying Graves‰’s muffled voice in tracks like “Interference Fits‰” (which, shocker, sounds just as the name would put it.)

All in all, if you‰’re looking for a modern punk-rock band to get you kick-started (or to get you starting to kick‰Û_ha! Lame joke, whatevs), Perfect Pussy is a group you can jam out to and feel pretty f***ing badass while doing it.