Under the Tide: Spring Song Starter

Gar Meng Leong


Winter was recently officially and very belatedly declared over, so it probably is appropriate to shelve away all morose and depressing music to welcome the warm sun rays and exposed skin in dire need of some good ol‰’ Vitamin D. To kickstart us off and bid farewell to the horrible dreary days, I‰’ve picked four songs which I think are emblematic of Spring, with light tunes and an element of cheeriness to it.

‰Û¬The Submarines ‰ÛÒ You, Me And The Bourgeoisie

This effort by the Californian band should bring back memories of iPhone commercials a couple of years back. The vocals by Blake Hazard are saccharine enough to draw you into the song, and while it doesn‰’t make direct references or allusions to Spring, it‰’s still one worthy tune to walk to. The album art for this single also does suggest heavily so!

‰Û¬Len ‰ÛÒ Steal My Sunshine

No brainer, to me at least. I was in California during Spring break, and this song got jolted back to memory with the omniscient sunlight and glow the skies always permeated, and the 90s had to make an appearance here. One-hit wonders aren‰’t always bad generally. I can think of more good ones than bad, and this car-grooving pop song is one of them. A fun fact of this band? A member of Broken Social Scene used to be involved with Len.

Friendly Fires ‰ÛÒ Jump In The Pool

The song title should speak for itself. Spring‰’s here, swimsuits out, and what better way to celebrate it with some water? This was the first track I ever listened to from Friendly Fires‰’ 2008 debut album, and it makes a perfect poolside song.

Sugar Ray ‰ÛÒ Every Morning

‰Û¬‰Û¬To be frank, I think the majority of Sugar Ray‰’s songs are incredibly suited for Springtime, but I just decided to go with this one. Whether you hate or love Sugar Ray, you have to admit that their teen-pop songs, bordering on cheesy, just stick in your head and refuse to let go. (Or maybe it‰’s just me and my obsession with these asymmetrical pop treasures)