Under the Tide: You+Me

Gar Meng Leong

you me.jpgCourtesy of Tumblr.

My initial reaction to this dry, uninspiring choice of a group name immediately set my gears running into overdrive. Was it going to be a musical duo whose songs play off romantically, albeit with a cheesy yet truthful tinge to it, or would it be a formulaic pop group with a breakthrough track?

I was wrong. Far from my guesses, it actually comprises of two of the most talented singer-songwriters in the industry. Fiery, stylish, and chart-topping pop star Alecia Moore, or Pink, collaborates with Dallas Green of City and Colour and formerly of Alexisonfire on You Me, and has been described as a “passion project‰” for both musicians.

The twosome‰’s forthcoming album titled rose ave. will grace our ears in October 14, and majority of the album was recorded in Los Angeles in a week. If there is any strong and steady indication of where this project is headed, fans of Pink‰’s hard-thumping, party-bumping pop tracks may be let down.

Gleaming off the single track that they have teased us with, Moore and Green complement each other resplendently, without overpowering each other. If it‰’s too ambitious to say it might be a match made in heaven, I‰’m still going to go with it (Sorry, Carey Hart).

The only available song evokes memories of The Civil Wars, but with arguably stronger vocals in the behemoths of both Moore and Green. When one door closes, another one opens. 2014 may have just replaced a good act with a potentially colossal one (If you can get past the almost ironic way the song is named, and the unrelated Google search results that appear, you should be fine).

You+Me ‰ÛÒ rose ave.‰’s announced track list:

1.) Capsized
2.) From a Closet in Norway (Oslo Blues)
3.) Gently
4.) Love Gone Wrong
5.) You And Me
6.) Unbeliever
7.) Second Guess
8.) Break The Cycle
9.) Open Door
10.) No Ordinary Love