Ryan Adams, "Ryan Adams" (PAX AM/Blue Note)


Anna Walsh

Ryan Adams’ newest self-titled album is well-crafted and densely packed with greatness. Album opener “Gimme Something Good” has the melancholy vocals and soulful guitar melodies Ryan Adams has built his discography on. Some of the album is reminiscent of the 2000s soft rock with an edge of Adams‰’ early career. Jazzy basslines and epic, catchy choruses recur throughout the album, specifically on “Stay With Me”. Adams plays his riffs with extreme intensity that contributes to the overall strong emotion of the album. He features some lo-fi and echoey chords on some of the darker, slower tracks as well. While the album doesn‰’t push too many boundaries, the dynamic is strong and the flow of the tracks are well thought-out. Overall, Ryan Adams has not lost any steam with his newest release.

RIYL: The Replacements, Wilco, and Jesse Malin
Recommended: 1, 4, 5, 7, and 11