Plain Speak, "Foundations" (Self-Released)


Luke Palermo

Soft indie rock sad jamz.

The first thing of note about this album is that it‰’s certainly an album to “chill‰” to. Most of the tracks never get much louder than quiet jamming, and the slow acoustic plucking on tracks like “Vision At All‰” provide a good backdrop for a lazy afternoon. 

The aforementioned song is also of note because of the transition it makes halfway through the song; after a second of silence the acoustic guitar is joined by melancholy electric guitars and a light drumbeat, all adding to the quiet, swirling intensity of the song. 

The track “Luminescence‰” is probably the biggest divergence from the rest of the album, since it plays almost like an electronic song, with a computer-generated beat looping in the background with synths. The calmness of the album is compounded by the emotional and at times reminiscent lyrics, with lines like “write my name on a plastic cup/ fill it with lye/ and drink it up‰Û. Sad stuff.

RIYL: Dads, The Front Bottoms, Brand New (Devil & God era)
Recommended Tracks: 3, 5, 6, 7