Summer Cannibals, "Show Us Your Mind" (New Moss)


Anna Walsh

Modern punk with intelligence and attitude.

Summer Cannibals’ newest record “Show Us Your Mind” is a modern punk record dripping with attitude. Low, low bass, electrified riffs, and in-your-face integral drumming make for some of the catchiest, tightest, and edgiest tracks I’ve heard in a while. Commandeering lyrics and stylized, melodic vocals seal this record as something creative and refreshing. Also impressive is the fact that this record isn’t just one big collection of traditional three-chord punk songs. While there are some on the record (and while these are always appreciated), there is a level of variety in punk styles on this record that is often hard to find in the genre. With “Show Us Your Mind”, Summer Cannibals have built on the cornerstones of punk rock with sass, vivacity, and mind-blowing rhythms.

Recommended: 1,3, 6, 8

RIYL: Ex Hex, Gal Pals, Patti Smith