Bop English, "Constant Bop" (Downtown Records)


Jenny Bernardi

Bopadop beeboo dabop BOPDAPERBOOBAPBEEP

Bop English does not lie, on his latest release the bop is… constant. The album opens with the clang-jangle of a piano, and continues with the twang-bang-crash of a southern electric guitar. Bop English‰’s boppin‰’ English is prevalent in the narrative, witty lyrics, especially in “Fake Dog‰” and “Struck Matches.‰” Every song on this boppin‰’ album is super jazzy, with high energy and swing-danceable beats. Constant Bop is something you would want to bee-bop around town to, snapping your fingers to the tang-tang-tang of the crashing symbols. It‰’s the jazzy, rhythmical rock album we‰’ve all been dreaming of. The bop does not stop, the bop WILL NOT STOP.

RIYL: Dan Auerbach, Jack White

Recommended: 2, 5, 8