Submission Guidelines for Fall 2015 Zine

Luke Palermo

Hey all!

I’m sure we’re all directly in the midst of fighting our midterms tooth and nail, which can only mean one thing – it’s time to open submissions for the Fall 2k15 issue of WVAU’s official zine, The Stream!!!! Submissions open today and last until midnight on Tuesday, October 27th (1 week!).

We’re looking for almost any kind of student-generated content to add to our publication: photos from shows/concerts, writing (prose or poetry), visual art, collages, or even a full-spread if you’re feeling ambitious!

In order to submit, just email your content to [email protected]. Be SURE to include your name (if you’d like to be credited) and something along the lines of “Zine Submission” somewhere in the title/body of the email!!! For writing, I ask that you attach it as a word/google doc. For photos/visual art, I ask that you scan it and send it to me as a PNG file.

There are a few rules/guidelines though:

1.) This is WVAU’s official zine, so keep submissions at least a little bit music related! I’m sure we’d all love to read a review of the pizza you just had at Comet, but food isn’t really what WVAU is about (unless you wanted to tie it to the show that was going on while you ate it).

2.) You don’t need to create an entire spread, just whatever content you feel comfortable doing (only a piece of writing, or only a drawing, etc.). Keep in mind that the size of a spread in the zine is a sheet of standard printer paper (horizontal).

3.) Max submissions are two per person (but both pieces can be different mediums)

That’s about it, if you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email!!!!

-ur friendly neighborhood art director Luke “Tiger Suplex” Palermo