“Down‰Û: Wait, What Floor Are We On?


Emily Von Urff

You know that scene in Inception where Joseph Gordon-Levitt floats around in the hotel elevator with all those explosives? The one with all the trippy, space vibes?

Well, I felt those same vibes while watching Marian Hill‰’s video for their single, “Down,‰” and I fell in love immediately.

Armed with a catchy piano intro and awesome beatbox type drop, “Down‰” is poised to become an instant favorite of 2017. It has a contagious, eclectic sound and the duo from Philadelphia has a knack for using those beats to drive their epic video artistry.

We begin in an elevator covered in pink flowers, and if that isn‰’t the ideal aesthetic choice, I don‰’t know what is. There‰’s a super neutral color palette for the rest of the video, so I‰’d be super interested to know the significance behind the initial pop of pink. If anything, it catches your eye right off the bat and makes you ask, “Okay, what is this dark, seductive looking duo going to do?‰Û

Then it gets trippy. Honestly, the planning and editing that must have gone into this video is unbelievable (ah, the sweet smell of continuity). From the elevator transitions (I mean, his keyboard is ON TOP OF AN ELEVATOR) to the flip-book style sections on the floor, there is so much going on during every second. This is one of those videos that you can watch a million times and pick out a million different little pieces; one of the subtle details that I love is how confused the elevator buttons seem to be the either time.

As I said earlier, the video uses the flow of the song to its advantage by planning the timing of each movement to the rhythm. Yet again, this is the type of continuity I am here for. It‰’s like a well-choreographed dance; everything flows seamlessly.

But, there is one hindrance in my mind that (literally) breaks the flow of the video. During the second verse, we get up-close and personal with Samantha Gongol and Jeremy Lloyd in an elevator shaft, a shift that I believe could have happened with more ease or, to be honest, not at all. We have this very brightly lit, complex piece that has got us hooked, and that small section seems like a dark and simple respite from it all. And we don‰’t need a break; we need more floaty space vibes. Thankfully, the video picks up again for the next chorus.

There is something about content inspiring other content, and, while I‰’m not 100% sure that Inception inspired this video, I like how connections can be made between the two. Sometimes, it‰’s not about creating the most original content ever, but simply building upon other ideas and resources. Something just as captivating and amazing can come out of being influenced and inspired by others. See, I pulled a philosophical idea out of all this after all.

Okay, Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, it‰’s you move next; let‰’s see Inception 2 with double the amount of zero gravity elevators.