Guest Post: Sydney Gore on Michael Cera’s "true that"

Sydney Gore


It‰’s no secret that Michael Cera, one of Canada‰’s finest specimens, was born to do great things. When he first emerged on our screens in Arrested Development in 2003, everyone immediately saw that this kid had pure comedic potential. This week, an album called true that randomly made its way to Bandcamp under the name of Michael Cera. While Cera has yet to confirm whether or not this is really his work, former Superbad co-star Jonah Hill took to Twitter to promote the project, so it‰’s safe to assume that it‰’s legit.


When Nick and Norah‰’s Infinite Playlist hit theaters in 2008, this was the first time viewers saw Cera play the role of a musician, only this facade wasn‰’t all for show. Many forget that from 2006-2007, he was in the indie band The Long Goodbye with Clark Duke, his co-star from the Clark And Michael television series. The unsigned band maintained a prevalent presence on Myspace, and even appeared in an issue of Spin. During that time, Cera also made his singing debut in Juno on the track “Anyone Else But You‰Û.

While Cera has a history of playing the same awkwardly adorable kid in every film he starred in, he has proven that this is not all that he has to offer. A few years later in 2010, he starred in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, where he was also the lead guitarist in a band. Over time, he has re-introduced himself as an indie artist, both on and off screen. For Cera, “indie‰” wasn‰’t just a category to label him in‰ÛÓ it practically became his personal style, and essentially, his full-on identity.


Considering Cera‰’s seemingly dark, cynical and sarcastic persona, one would expect his music to be a direct reflection of that image, as depicted in his short films “Failure‰Û and “Gregory Go Boom‰Û. However, what listeners will find on true that is a soft-spoken hummer strumming his handy, dandy guitar as he meanders through a fictional western world. The title tracks alone will remind everyone why Cera is a creative genius who follows his visions, even if they‰’re mirages.

The album is a collection of 18 tracks primarily influenced by lo-fi and folk music. While the quality is a little rough on some tracks (“Moving In‰Û), there are beautiful instrumental interludes (“Of A Thursday‰Û, “Too Much‰Û, “Gershy‰’s Kiss‰” and Humdrummin‰Û) that really showcase Cera‰’s multi-instrumental abilities. The song “Brat‰” even features toy instruments.

Michael Cera has crafted an arrangement that is simply pleasant to listen to, especially on a dreary morning like this one. Stream true that in full below or download it from Bandcamp for $7 for those three bonus tracks.
