Lyla Foy – Mirrors The Sky (Sub Pop)

Lyla Foy - Mirrors The Sky (Sub Pop)

Julia D'Amico

Daughter but way better.

Sub Pop has redeemed itself with this UK beauty. Lyla Foy has the voice we expect and crave from the London indie scene, soft, strong, unique, sophisticated. But she doesn’t cop out and record a catchy heartbreak album with an accent. Mirrors the Sky floats, drifts, broods, dissects and waits. It doesn’t command attention, but it certainly deserves it- this is electronic folk meets pop of the best variety. Not over produced, but definitely crafted, the less organic sounds frame her overcast voice perfectly. While the album deals with melancholy subjects, it does not pout or throw a pity party. It sits, and thinks, and then sits some more. It deserves adequate attention and care, and multiple listens at minimum.