Grooms, "Comb the Feelings Through Your Hair" (Western Vinyl)


Sean Carolan

Psychedelic Dreampop

Comb the Feelings Through Your Hair is super psychedelic. Layered and complex, it envelops the listener into a dreamy daze of dreamy, synth-laden pop and rows them down a maple syrup river into a candy cane dreamland. Singer Travis Johnson‰’s vocals beackon the listener to follow him into his dreamworld on his boat made of jangly, echoing guitars, high-pitched synth chords, easygoing drumming, and warm bass backings. It‰’s easy to get lost in the musical landscape of Comb the Feelings Through Your Hair and forget about all of your troubles. This album won‰’t pump you up and get you going throughout the day, but not all albums are supposed to. Comb just takes you on a leisurely stroll and wants to hear about your feelings and merge with your consciousness. And that‰’s alright. The album starts off kinda weird with “Bed Version‰Û, but quickly moves into the title track and “Cross Off‰Û, immersing the listener in the band‰’s dreamworld. The album then picks up a bit of tempo at “Doctor M‰Û, slows down a bit for “Half Cloud‰Û, and then gets a bit Beach-Boy-like with “Will the Boys‰Û. The album keeps tempo for about the rest of it, and then closes off with the very soundscape-y “Later a Dream‰Û. Though the tempos may be calm, Grooms still manage to rope in listeners by creating a wall of sound that envelops them and invites them along for the sonic ride.

Recommended tracks: 2, 3, 7, 11

RIYL: Foals, Pavement, Sonic Youth