How to break a Girl‰’s Heart: Review of LCD Soundsystem‰’s This Is Happening

Julia Zaglin

Courtesy of Public Works

I am writing this article mainly because Pitchfork and Consequence of Sound decided to emotionally hurt me. Consequence of Sound recently posted that James Murphy‰’s musical brainchild LCD Soundsystem would get back together. They originally said that, LCD Soundsystem would reunite for several music festivals, then went back and reported that the band will not yet stand by their original source. Pitchfork, however, reported that James Murphy says they will not reunite.

In the 2 hours and 24 minutes between the conflicting messages, I was overjoyed. I listened to This is Happening twice on that Thursday. Yet, Pitchfork and James Murphy had to strip me of my dream.

Courtesy of Pitchfork

This is Happening is LCD Soundsystem‰’s last album. It is art. April 2, 2011 at Madison Square Garden was the date and venue of their last show. The Dance-Electronica-Rock album that is This is Happening speaks to the culture and life of an American. The album flows from one track to another unlike any other album I have ever listened to. It also critiques American culture while forcing you to dance and sing passionately.

James Murphy‰’s disdain and discussion of Americana is clear in “Pow Pow.”  The ironic line “Three, we have a black president and you do not, so shut up, because you don’t know shit about where I’m from that you didn’t get from your TV‰” is an example of his insight into Americana. Furthermore, LCD Soundsystem‰’s two previous studio albums held a more serious tone. In the track “Drunk Girls,” the dance music is not paired with a serious ironic message; it is a fun yet absurd commentary on American youth.

Seriously, if you have not listened to This is Happening, stop reading and listen to it. Every song is a dance ballad. It echoes both the need for pleasure and out own self-hatred for perusing that self-satisfaction. LCD Soundsystem creates art out of the ennui and guilt that constitutes this attempt at culture that we all, currently, strive for.