Tundra Tunes

Lauren Peressini

Courtesy of Allan Kingdom

I racked my brain for a few hours attempting to find something to write about that was not related to the immense amount of snow outside. But considering I have been doubling up on socks for days now, this winter weather has been occupying the majority of my headspace.

I was also really struggling with what to listen to while the snow seemed to infinitely fall. I tried some of my favorite summer jams in  an effort to stay warm, like Weezer‰’s “Island in the Sun,” but it felt too forced and like I was just attempting to remain in denial of the winter abomination outside my window. I messed around with Best Coast, too. Really, just anything that screamed palm trees and sunscreen. But it all was very out of place, as opposed to the comforting irony I was shooting for.

Then, the answer was just too obvious. I needed some hip hop in my life. I pulled up my Spotify, and, as if fallen down like the massive snowflakes outside, Allan Kingdom‰’s Northern Lights showed up. I had been meaning to listen to that album since it was released on January 11th, which doesn‰’t seem like a while ago, it hasn’t even been two weeks, but I tend to get pretty into listening to things right when I hear they have dropped.

Northern Lights was the answer to my music prayers. First off, the title fit with my desire to jam out to something weather appropriate. And really a shout out to Spotify for not only reminding me that this album existed, but also for the ‰related artist‰’ tab, which recommended Thelonious Martin, a rap god from my hometown. So it was solidified that Allan Kingdom had come through as my blizzard playlist. He also performed the bridge on Kanye‰’s “All Day‰Û, to further legitimize him.

My favorite track is shockingly not the title track, but rather “The Ride.” Which somehow makes me thinking of both driving through my hometown in the summer and also dancing around with snow in my hair. Also, I had just learned that Allan Kingdom is Canadian and resides in Minnesota, which in my wintry state of being adds to his appeal. “Fables” also makes me feel like I‰’m being a read a smooth lullaby with its ethereal beats.

And in the grand finale of this serendipitous search, Allan Kingdom is set to play my favorite DC venue, the Rock and Roll Hotel (although I really wish it had a different name) in April with Denzel Curry.

Please join me!